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    getting a "out of game memory" error after 10-15 min playing... any workaround?
    tried youtube but didnt find a solution for my case

    03 Aprilie 2019
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    its kinda funny actually... i got the "ran out of game memory" problem after i play for like 10-15 mins but when i installed this 1 and the other 2 i get the same error but now i cant get past loading screen i narrowed it down to this files gameconfig... cuz if i use another gameconfig i can run the game for 10-15 min again

    02 Aprilie 2019
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    for some odd reason this mod makes my, safehouse, gunstore, lsc and clothesstore icons to disapear... any idea how to fix this?

    28 Octombrie 2017
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    have a legal version so its should be up to date since i bought it a few weeks back for pc...
    the 35 version have a bug in my game where i cant get into any stores at all... i am talking clothes, guns and lsc are closed full time for me...
    the version 28 works fine though but you know... its outdated
    anyone know a way around this?

    22 Octombrie 2017
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    @Eddlm i have a problem i hope you know how to fix or that somebody else knows how to fix...
    for some odd reason the police cant drive... i see them try but the just make burnouts and are stuck in place... any help is welcome :D

    19 Octombrie 2017
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    @ikt i have a danish keybord or maybe its called something else anyways i got a keyboard with "æøå" and stuff i i havent found any buttons that opens the menu so i was thinking maybe there is a way for me to change the buttons manually?

    01 Octombrie 2017
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    E does not work for me so thought i would just go to the .ini file to change the hotkey but my .ini file is completly empty....
    any suggestions?

    29 Septembrie 2017