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    Thank you so much! I was really looking forward to it. I will test it right away and give you some feedback. By the way, just one thing, since you are the "specialist" into adapting online dlc to singleplayer, why you didn't do it with After Hours? I mean jedijosh's mod is ok, but it's not a bussiness, it only scratches the surfaces of After Hours. I was really excited last year for what you could accomplish with that but it never came. Any chance that someday you may do it? Thanks!

    10 August 2019
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    Unfortunately this seemsn to be a dead mod, just as any other nightclub ones that were in the making. Too bad because it had so much potential... I change my valoration to 4 stars because of the lack of continuism.

    23 Septembrie 2018
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    @jedijosh920 Thanks for the update and it was a great idea this about requesting the DJ your music. However I was expecting to have at least the basic customization of the club like selecting the light rigs and such, it's something that simple trainer has had for a month. I hope you will keep updating this mod because it has a great potential.

    25 August 2018
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    @jedijosh920 if you don't mind, I'd like to make you a list of what would be awesome to implement in this mod to make it perfect in the nightclub side of it. Here it goes:

    - When you start the mod for the first time, the nightclub exists but you can only enter as a customer in a default club with a random DJ (none of the official four) and the general mix of LSUR. You have to pay for drinks as well as entrance (something like 100 dollars)
    - If you buy it (for lets say 1 million) the entrance is free, the drinks are free and you're able to access all the customizable options
    - Fully customisable club, like in the Simple Trainer (or even better when sjaack keeps figuring out the things he's constantly finding) but paying for everything. The material things like equipment upgrade you pay the once and choose if put it on or off, but DJ's and dancers you have to pay each time you want to replace them
    - Like Simple Trainer does, every DJ plays their own music mix
    - Dancing like in GTA O, or as similar as possible.
    - This one is optional because I don't know how hard it can be, but in GTA O the DJ's have a continuous animation for the entirety of the mix, I mean they don't play randomly but they do everything in real time, just like lights follow the rythm of the music. Maybe that's too hard to get, but if done would be incredibly awesome
    - Finally, it would be great to get a little activable map in the desert with the special skull bus and a party around it, where we could also dance.

    Thank you very much for what you already did.

    16 August 2018
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    @sjaak327 Thank you for how much effort you are putting into the nightclubs, one question, I've seen in GTA Online footage that the lights of the club don't change randomly, but they are based on the music that sounds (the rythm and color changes according to it), do you think it's possible to mimic that? Don't get me wrong, I love how customisable you made the place, it has more options than the original. But it would be very cool to have that amount of customization along with a recreation of the original stuff from GTA O. In any case, thanks a lot.

    14 August 2018
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    Seriously, people complains about the mod not working when they have ancient versions of the game. You pretend to have the latest DLC content without downloading the latest DLC content? Are you serious?

    No wonder modders are so edgy sometimes, it has to be stressfull to receive that kind of complains all the time.

    14 August 2018
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    @jedijosh920 THANK YOU, really, I've been waiting for this so much. And you've incorporated so many thinks like drinking and dancing. Really, this is an amazing mod, you deserve five stars and more.

    Even though, it would be great if you keep improving it, just like @nkjellman suggested those features would make this mod perfect, specially the ones that sjaak has already in his mod like the spotlights and such. With the spotlight and customization options that sjaak has in his trainer, plus the dancing system like in online (if it's possible) this mod would be even more perfect.

    Thank you again, this is amazing.

    13 August 2018
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    @charackthe Thank you for this great mod, I voted in your poll for nightclubs, they'd be an amazing feature if you can make them almost as they're online.

    08 August 2018
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    I asked you yesterday about the After Hours and I've seen the trailer, nice!

    I guess that when you launch it you will still update it to make it better. If it's okay I'd like to give you a few suggestions of what would be amazing to have in that mod (besides what you've already included)

    - Own and customise the nightclub like in online, meaning that you have to pay for every upgrade or change.
    - Choose if you want to pay for dancers or not having them, as well as DJ's, by default a random one for free but if you pay for some of the DJ's, seeing them on stage and playing their set
    - Get the nightclub as populated as in online, with people dancing, chilling or whatever their role is.
    - I don't know if this is possible but incorporating the dance mechanics from online inside the club.
    - Also don't know if possible, but incorporate the drinking mechanic from online inside the club.

    Thank you very much and looking forward to have a great After Hours DLC.

    07 August 2018
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    @HKH191 WOW, JUST WOW! You're amazing man, seriously. I'll be checking the site everyday. THANK YOU.

    07 August 2018