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    Best GTAV zombie mod, I hope it gets updated someday.

    02 August 2021
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    For those asking if this version works on the newest GTAV version, It does, with AND, as always.

    31 Iulie 2021
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    Lol, I have this car in real life, It´s pretty shitty, but reliable as well and since It´s mine, I love it xD, I never though it would appear in any video game. I would like to know if it´s possible to obtain a version without the police paint job, just normal paint.

    23 Iunie 2021
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    Looks promising, however the game crashes when equipping the bullpup rifle that replaces, like others say.
    I´ll keep an eye for an update ;), thanks for sharing it and keep up the great work

    22 Iunie 2021
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    Hello, I have a question, is this mod causing the police helicopters to climb in altitude without a limit when you climb with an heli too? Have tested on a clean install and seems the case (or maybe the gameconfig required for this mod to work)
    It makes very hard to shot them with the buzzard for example, since they don´t stop getting higher and higher (forces you to tilt up your helicopter nose every time you want to attack them).
    I would like to change back the values that affect the cop IA that drives the pursuit helicopters, bud don´t know where to start

    21 Iunie 2021
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    @HKH191 Sorry I did not explain myself well enough, I wanted to know If this mod could generate errors, crashes, etc when playing the missions in the single player, the campaign, has anyone tried to do a play-through with this mod enabled? Thanks for the fast reply and have a nice day.

    20 Iunie 2021
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    Did someone test this mod playing the story mode? Would like to know if it is compatible

    20 Iunie 2021
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    @panther32 That´s true, this mod increases hand weapons damage, making then overpowered, witch is not mentioned in the mod description page. Other thaan that he range increase in vehicle cannons works fine (didn´t test the tank)

    20 Iunie 2021
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    **Edit** It happens with the TAR 21 as well, when dropped by killed Peds the gun vanishes leaving behind the attachments (not the mag in this case since the TAR 21 uses the vanilla mag). Any idea on what could be causing this issue? **Edit**

    18 Iunie 2021
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    I´m having he collision issue as well, when killing a Ped that wears the SMG it vanishes, leaving the attachments or the default magazine floating on spot. A fix would be nice, since this is the best mp5 I found for this game.
    Keep up the great work and thank you.

    18 Iunie 2021