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    asli bro keren banget akhirnya ada yg bikin aerox 155 buat gta 5, saran gw sih paling shock depannya tinggiin aja kaya versi standard aeroxnya, sama gw request parts modif ala ala roadracenya dilengkapin kaya windshield sectbill sm spion bar-end, mungkin buat referensinya bisa cek di IG nya @aeroxroadrace @aeroxbandung @aeroxbogor @aeroxpeople dll, sekali lagi nice work parah bro bintang 10 buat lu

    02 Noiembrie 2020
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    this gameconfig crash after 20-30 minutes on my epic games gta with 8 add-on vehicle, so I try to remove some add-on vehicle and got perfect 3 hours gameplay without any issue (with only 2 add-on vehivle). I will do some test to see the limit of add-on vehicle till it got crash

    02 Iunie 2020
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    @XKillerYT no, my game keeps crashing randomly whenever I go to the desert area

    31 Mai 2020
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    the wheels width doesn't work on the latest epic games version

    30 Mai 2020