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    disregard my last comment - the config file did get generated after a full reboot.
    One of the absolute essential mods everyone needs.

    20 Februarie 2018
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    the description alludes to the fact you can modify the configuration via an .ini file but that file does not exist. any pointers? I thought perhaps the script would generate it after saving a vehicles default but im not seeing it.

    19 Februarie 2018
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    @zanesix - So clearly, there is some conflict in the gameconfig.xml. However, the gameconfig.xml created by @F7YO is much more stable than the one provided with this project, at least when including other mods.

    Is there anything that stands out in this separate project gameconfig as having conflicts? If the community could pinpoint those conflicts, it would arguably be the best solution since this separate gameconfig solves so many other problems w.r.t. stability.

    14 August 2016
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    @zanesix - It was a good idea to do what you suggested. After further investigation, the issue that I am having is NOT specific to running JUST this mod with the included gameconfig.xml.

    With a clean install and RDE running, the crash is not happening in the spot it was before (

    I have the "Cunning Stunts" DLC, so with the gameconfig in the pinned comment, the crash does not happen.

    However, I have >100 DLCs including tons of modded vehicles, and the gameconfig.xml here: is the ONLY one I have found that allows me to launch and play the game with maximum stability.

    When using the above gameconfig.xml as opposed to the one pinned to this project, the crash occurs. However, when RDE is uninstalled and ALL OTHER mods are installed, the crash does not. Very perplexing.

    Even the author admits the config is only 90% perfect, but it is very interesting to me that it conflicts only with this mod (Realism Dispatch Enhanced).

    My knowledge of gameconfig.xml is slim-to-none (I may have opened one a single time, maybe twice). Hopefully this information proves helpful.

    One other thing I discovered is the issue is not related to the scripts. The statement might not be entirely true; to be more specific, the crash does not occur when all of the scripts included in this package are included in the GTAV root.

    However when looking through the other files in x64, etc., all files are unique to this mod and dont conflict with any of my other mods running.

    Plus, as mentioned before, the crash happens when running this mod on top of vanilla GTAV using the gameconfig.xml here: is the ONLY one I have found that allows me to launch and play the game with maximum stability.

    That's about the extent of my knowledge and info I've gathered. It could all be useless but I'm hoping it helps steer yourself (and the community) in the right direction.

    Unfortunately, the tons of other mods I have combined outweigh this one, so my current solution is to play without RDE. However, I'm a huge fan and dying to get it integrated.

    If there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know.

    Expand to read the full comment
    13 August 2016
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    @zanesix - I will do just that and report back.

    13 August 2016
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    @zanesix @The Realism Team Thanks again for such an amazing mod. However, I am experiencing an issue with the game crashing when reaching a certain spot on the map. Very interesting bug.

    The game will crash in the same spot every time, without fail. When removing RDE, there are no issues.

    Specifically, the location is on the dedicated waypoint during the mission "Fame or Shame" (first mission Trevor and Michael are reunited).

    It is 3/4 of the way between Michael's house and the destination. I have taken a screenshot and uploaded it here:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, I will keep this uninstalled.

    Thanks again.

    12 August 2016
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    After trying every other gameconfig.xml on this site, and other sites, I was about to give up. Just not able to launch the game with all my vehicle addons; crashes every time. I discovered that the hard limit on addons was common in the modding community, but the solution was scarce.

    Sooo many game configs that work for sooo many people, but not me. Same issue with limit and game crash.

    Then I tried this one, and it works PERFECTLY. I can run all my vehicles (~110) with no issues. The countless hours and dedication that @F7YO has contributed to this project have truly paid off; a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.

    I am not a big fan of 5 star ratings, but I couldn't imagine giving anything less.

    11 August 2016
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    @Team Core Thanks for the quick response. Works like a charm.

    11 August 2016
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    @Team Core thanks for making such an amazing mod, and taking the time to maintain it. My question is with regards to the OPEN_MENU_KEY.

    There seems to be a somewhat frustrating conflict with Simple Trainer, when spawning vehicles by name (inputting text). When "O" is typed, the menu opens and hitting enter toggles an option in the Character Clothes Mod as opposed to confirming entry in Simple Trainer.

    Of course, this can be easily worked around by changing OPEN_MENU_KEY to something that would not otherwise be used.

    I am curious if it is possible to assign a function key (i.e. F9) as the OPEN_MENU_KEY for toggling visibility of the Character Clothes Mod?

    Thank you for your time.

    11 August 2016
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    For users trying to REPLACE the ADDER and not having success, @Abominable Putridity had the solution that worked for me - replace the adder files in patchday10.

    10 August 2016