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@LavenderEmpress Yeah, this is exactly why I afraid of the new "enhanced" game version despite it looks so much better! 😐
@2girls1comp My downgraded game version is 1.0.3411.0 from Dec.2023., I both tried uppercase and lowercase "J", but this mod just refuses to work.
⚠ "No Whistling For Taxi" option does not work no matter if it's ticked or not, my character still whistling for taxies.
@Zemanez If I remain on the current game version, which is now called "legacy", I think I can keep my mods working, right? I heard the new 04.March. update gonna be optional, but players who keep the old ("legacy") version gonna be unable to play with who updates to the new version.
@terminatingissue66 My game is manually downgraded to 1.0.3411.0 from 12.December.2023, it was a difficult process which took ~2-2½ days for me to get my game working again.
@votrinhan88 It looks like I didn't read the description/readme properly. Thanks for the clarification anyway.
@InfiniteQuestion Thanks, it looks like my game loads so fast on SSD I only see 2-3 images before it already loaded in within a minute.
@votrinhan88 ⚠ It looks like the ".ini" file is missing from the 7z archive, there's only a dll, pdb and md file, but no ini. So, how can I configure the hotkey? 🤔
@InfiniteQuestion Is this mod affects the loading screen between the game launch and main menu? 🤔 Because I replaced that girl with a custom character.
@SERGIO_VAN_DYK Thanks, that animations submenu wasn't familiar, because I'm using 3 different trainers simultaneously ‒ Menyoo, Enhanced Native Trainer, TrainerV.
@SERGIO_VAN_DYK Which trainer is that what you accessed the animations with? 🤔
@2girls1comp Currently it won't work at all, my hotkey is set to default (lowercase) "j", but nothing happens when I press it. 😶