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  • Bugstars

    This mod would be amazing if you could please update it so that it wouldn't cause a crash immediately upon pressing the J button :))))

    30 Iunie 2018
  • Bugstars

    Nevermind false alarm, I changed some hotkeys for this trainer because it was clashing with another, that's why.

    29 Iulie 2016
  • Bugstars

    Can someone explain to me why it when I use Num 4 and Num 6 to scroll through some values in the menu, it is really hard and kinda laggy sometimes. I do have other mods but it only just started doing this recently and it's really really annoying.

    29 Iulie 2016
  • Bugstars

    I'm a little confused as to whether I have to use the Scripthook files from the mod or whether I use the latest updated Scripthook and etc and just add the scripts to my folder.

    27 Iulie 2016
  • Bugstars

    Also just realised, every time I try to access the hotkeys menu, it instantly freezes my game and I have to use task manager to close it.

    10 Aprilie 2016
  • Bugstars

    Just wondering, would it be possible to add some sort of Special God Mode, so that you have God Mode but still get ragdolled by all the explosions and set on fire and when falling from heights or getting blown up you get covered in blood as if it killed you?

    10 Aprilie 2016
  • Bugstars

    Would like an update on this please. Love it and I reckon it's fantastic, however I sorta don't like that it resets skin if you die, as I use a LinGon trainer and I just prefer that when i fall from up high, it counts as a death but doesn't respawn me and I'm covered in blood as if I had died. Strange but that's what I like.

    07 Noiembrie 2015
  • Bugstars

    Not sure if it is supposed to happen, but when I have it set to toggled. I can fall down and then my character will glitch really weirdly like he is trying to stand up 30 times at once, seems rigid and crazy. I saw someone said "Set Rod_Lifeless_Ragdoll to true" and I did that when I first used it.

    --- file: ragdoll-on-demand.lua ---
    --- version: 1.3 ---
    --- author: sakratt ---

    --- SETTINGS ---
    rod_toggle_key_code = 85
    rod_toggle_mode = true -- Whether to toggle the ragdoll or invoke it
    rod_lifeless_ragdoll = true -- Whether the ragdoll is completely inanimate

    local ragdollOnDemand = {}
    local justInvoked = false
    local toggled = false;

    function ragdollOnDemand.tick()
    local playerPed = PLAYER.PLAYER_PED_ID()
    local player = PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_PED(playerPed)
    if not ENTITY.DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(playerPed) then return end

    if get_key_pressed(rod_toggle_key_code) then
    if not justInvoked then
    if PED.IS_PED_RAGDOLL(playerPed) then
    -- TODO: Fling ragdoll
    if (rod_toggle_mode) then
    toggled = not toggled
    justInvoked = true
    justInvoked = false
    if toggled then

    function ragdollPed(ped)
    local magicBool = not rod_lifeless_ragdoll
    local magicNumber = 0
    if not rod_lifeless_ragdoll then
    magicNumber = 100
    PED.SET_PED_CAN_RAGDOLL(ped, true)
    PED.SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL(ped, magicNumber, magicNumber, magicNumber, magicBool, magicBool, magicBool)

    return ragdollOnDemand

    02 Mai 2015
  • Bugstars

    Also, would really appreciate it if you were to add a new sub-menu where you can choose clothing and appearance in general. Like Facial Hair and clothing variables like in GTA IV.

    30 Aprilie 2015
  • Bugstars

    Just wondering, what happened to the Max Stats cheat?

    30 Aprilie 2015