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    Shame. Hard game crash. Must be some other mod interfering. *shrugs* well... For the couple of minutes it actually worked, it was great to be able to go 300km/h plus.

    11 Iulie 2020
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    Thank You Very Much. :thumbsup:

    29 Iulie 2018
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    By the by. Is there a way to get her to retract the wings?

    29 Iulie 2018
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    Get the latest ScripthookV, put it in root directory of GTA5, put no-gtalauncher in the locations the readme states, log-on once via "PlayGtaV.exe" Don't forget to checkmark "remember my name" or whatever it's called, tag both checkmarks!!! Play game. Save. Exit game, return to desktop, use the no-gtav launcher link, and it should now work.

    The thing is, social club ( I HATE it, and all that it stands for, with a vengeance. Evil EVIL piece of DRM) needs to have an already saved/cached username & password for this mod to work.

    Oh, and something to remember: There is a strange incompatability between this mod and "Online Interiors V1" Camera goes all wonky. Remove either one, no-gtavlauncher, or Online Interiors V1, and drunk cam stops.

    Anóther quirk of the GTA5 engine "weirdness is thy name".

    04 Aprilie 2018
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    Only noticed after hours of seeing Mai walk around as a ped.. her standing animation (texting, drinking coffee, whatever) has a very "peculiar" equilibrium.. She sortof hangs backwards, ignoring gravity and center of balance.. very odd sight indeed.. :D

    04 Aprilie 2018
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    Looks amazing! Super detailed. Those textures!!!. However, game -sadly- invariably crashes when running around as Harley for about 20 to 30 minutes, especially when using a motorcycle.

    Smells like iffy mem allocation/leaking in GTA5's engine that cannot really handle increased texture sizes, or scripts, despite it's 64-bit claims. I distinctly remember similar problems with earlier GTA-itterations. Óne file, be it an YTD, an YFD or a simple *.dat of a size the engine didn't expect.. *blammo* crash.. In GTA5's case, the móment it hits 5.xx gig system mem, *poooofff* crash.

    Don't use addon ped, and it wil run for hours. Load addon ped? "You'll have 20 minutes to meltdown" :lol:

    Shame that the engine is so touchy afa scripting and modding goes.

    04 Aprilie 2018
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    It works..sortof. All seems well for the first 20 to 30 minutes, sometimes longer, but the game will inevitably crash when using an addon ped. Harley Quinn Injustice2 by alex189 &spud in this case, but it also invariably happens with other addon-peds, like the Faith variations, and Buffy. Especially when riding a motorcycle.

    Must be some weird bug in the GTA5 engine itself ( iffy garbage collection? Too little mem for resident scripts? Allergy to yft's and yfd's of differing sizes? Was a well-known bug in f.i. Vice city. f.i. Carcols.dat 1 byte off? *CRASH* ) . When driving cars, it can run with an addon-ped for more than an hour. Nick a motorcycle, and *pooof* game crashes. Sometimes even when just starting the bike. Weird.

    Sill great for screenshots, though.

    04 Aprilie 2018
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    Nice try. Doesn't work, though. Crashes already at loading screen.

    03 Aprilie 2018
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    Works/worked like a charm. However, one thing to consider: Apparently Rockstar, or those sociopath sh*t heads from taketwo implemented the "drunk cam for pirated games" again, and even though one owns the original game, after x-amount of time/playing without logging-in with all Rockstar crap activated, the "drunk cam" triggers, making playing a modded game off-line a rather sickening, swaying experience, so as to force you to upgrade. UGH! Having to upgrade, despite never playing on-line, and not officially getting the dlc cars and stuff.

    @ everybody now experiencing crashes and freezes at start-up: Last "update" (read; "sabotage of off-line mods") nixed all script-related stuff again, so, if the game no longer starts, or crashes at start-up: thank Rockstar and taketwo for their nastieness. The mod-author can't do anything about that.

    Taking about spitting in the faces of legit off-line players and modders.

    By now I am sick&tired of publishers treating legit buyers of their games like potential pirates.

    27 Martie 2018
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    @HHH207 Mwah. Would be nice, indeed, if the modder could fix the occasional ped repeatedly bumping in stones, say close to the university, But they are minor niggles. Wouldn't be too surprised of there's a way to mod the pathing in such a way that the -generally rather obtuse- AI in such a way that it is aware of the new objects. Or just generally re-route the Ai-pathing. I remember that there was some specific mod-tooling for Vice-City that could do that. Used it quite a lot..if only to steer Ai cops towards bodies of water...funny as heck.. :D

    24 Martie 2018