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    @Snoopyyy forgot to @ tag

    18 Septembrie 2023
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    Appreciate your effort my dude, but your audio has lots of hard clipping and bad artifacts in the sound files. For example, SNP_HEAVY_VERCVER2 in snp_rifle.awc clips @ 4.8db and there's a nasty crack at the end. Try using a limiter or compressor if you want the sound louder, instead of using the master level and just remove the cracks altogether.

    18 Septembrie 2023
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    Why does the carvariations.meta use ColorID "134" for every indice? There IS NO ID 134 by default in the carmodcols.meta??? This makes zero sense...

    here's a copy-paste from this mods carvariations to prove it...
    <indices content="char_array">
    <Item value="true" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <indices content="char_array">
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="true" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <indices content="char_array">
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="true" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />
    <Item value="false" />

    Expand to read the full comment
    16 Septembrie 2023
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    Can passengers sit in the back? Looking for an F150 to replace Trevor's pickup...

    15 Septembrie 2023
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    This vehicle won't load in latest game version. Tried multiple trainers, just says "VEHICLE CANNOT LOAD"

    03 Septembrie 2023
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    OK, this mod appears to be abandoned and the mod group have made some odd choices imo about the files in the installer.

    The 2 big files this mod will overwrite is your...
    - dlclist.xml (WHYYYY)
    - gameconfig.xml

    But it overwrites a bunch more xml files under the update\data\common\ section - I recommend you change the .OIV file type to .RAR and open it yourself; look through all the files to see if it's overwriting something you've already edited/modded.

    You can either repack a rar file without the files above, rename it .OIV then install it, or backup your dlclist.xml then re-add it after the install - but REMEMBER to add the dlclist line for RDE or it won't run.

    01 Septembrie 2023
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    Why does this mod overwrite your dlclist.xml?? WTF

    01 Septembrie 2023
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    @CSYON Can you tell me if my logic is right here: if a car add-on comes WITH a META file, there's no point putting the car ytd files (etc) in EMF, is there? To get the META file to work, I still have to add the car folder to dlcpacks and edit the dlclist (making use of EMF redundant)... am I understanding this right?

    01 Septembrie 2023
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    I own this car in real life and this mod is immaculate. Well done! Can I ask; any chance we can change the interior colour in the future? Black interior is fine, but mine is actually cream :P

    01 Septembrie 2023
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    Please spend a minute explaining zones. Multiple people have asked over the years. I'm assuming Los Santos zone covers the entire map, but I'd love to hear from the mod author...

    01 Septembrie 2023