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  • B37504 1433342445 669997745

    @MoonzWolf Dude, the only reason you dont have updates is because the dlclist file included is out of date. all you have to do is add the <Item>dlcpacks:\mk2\</Item> line to the end of your current dlclist file and it will be fine. This mod is great, it just hasnt been updated in some time

    20 Ianuarie 2017
  • B37504 1433342445 669997745

    So, all i did was let the update install, then I updated scripthook and installed this
    Then I brought up openIV, and a popup said my mods folder was outdated, and if i wanted to copy over the new update.rpf. Doing this will delete any previous addon mods you have, but who cares? I then deleted everything out of my scripts folder, and have been adding them back in 1 by 1 to make sure nothing caused crashes. Been playing for almost 5 hours now without a single crash. Follow what I did and theres no reason you should have problems

    16 Decembrie 2016