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    Are settings saved to the data.Ini via the in-game Set XXX option? For example, if I were to be changing my facial hair, would I have to interact with the, "Set Facial Hair" option? Because, mine reads "Set Facial Hair Off" Wondering if that had anything to do with my trouble, thanks again.

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    @Indoraptor I've got NativeUI in my modlist, so I can confirm its not that Native causing the incompatability.

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    Thanks! I've got the hair set properly now! Strangely, I can't seem to get facial hair to show up. I've been using the Advanced settings, but it doesnt seem to save to my .ini files after changing anything. But, I have a lot of mods, so it may be an issue on my end. Don't mind manually inputting the data though, so thanks!

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    Thanks for this mod! Works rather well, able to save most of the features. I'm able to save the hair, but not the color. if I were to open the Outfit.cfg's, which lines should I edit in order to change the hair color of my Outfit? I've fiddled with "Haircut_Palette =" but I only jet black hair.

    in urma cu 6 zile