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    Hello, Im a beginner with all this so im curious if there is any chance that this could be adapted to use in fivem? (local use, I do not let others connect).

    07 Februarie 2022
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    nice work , keep it up!

    03 Ianuarie 2022
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    I have a personal fivem server setup that is set up to be local and not available to anyone else and never will be, I just wanted to have some flexibility and avoid the trolls in gta online when they act up .. Anyway I was wondering if anyone knows if the scanner and other goodies can be made to function with this setup because i have to keep my gta installation clean and only alter the client or the server and again the setup is just a way for me to do what I want in s/p , and is not intended for any multi player use or ever will be.

    31 Decembrie 2021
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    Does anyone know if it is possible to get the scanner working on a fivem server?

    31 Decembrie 2021