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CJ v7


For English language Users
Hi Everybody Today We get CJ on GTA 5.
This badass Now in the Los Santos
Yes , This mod is not brilliantly perfect But i'm working on it
It's Time To Get it

fixed texture
No tattoed arms

Face Textures from GTA SA

What you need
Script Hook V&Native Trainer:
For Better Experience Use Enhanced Trainer not important
And OpenIV:

Unrar Script HooK files to GTA Directory Folder
And Install OpenIV

Make sure Open IV and it's plugin installed
1)Run OpenIV and go to
2)Make Edit mode is on
3)Extract g_m_y_strpunk_02.ytd file to given location
4) That's it. Now Find Streetpunk 2 in the Trainer
5)Hope you like it.Thumbs Up. What do you guys think?
Turk dilli kullanicilar icin
Herkese Merhabalar Arkadaslar. Yine yeni bir modla karsinizdayim
Bu gun Biz San Andreasda bize keyifli dakikalar yasatan GTA kahramani
yani CJ-i GTA 5 e Getiricez
Mod Inanilmaz derecede mukemmel degil ama ben hala bu modun uzerinde Calismaktayim

Ne gerekli?
Script HookV&Native Trainer:
Daha iyi bir Deneyim icin Enhanced Trainer:
(Yapmasanizda olur)
Ve OpenIV:

OpenIV un tum eklentilerinin indirildiginden emin olun
1)OpenIV-u acin ve bu yere gidin
2)Yukarida Edit mod yazan yeri acin
3)g_m_y_strpunk_02.ytd dosyasini rar dan buraya aktarin
4) GTA 5i Baslatip Trainerla Streetpunk 2 yi bulup secin
5) Umarim Begenirsiniz. Yorum ve Begeni atmayi unutmayin

This mod Made By Ross LineHACKER
Show Full Description

Primul incarcat: 04 Iulie 2015
Ultimul incarcat: 11 August 2015
Last Downloaded: 15 hours ago

All Versions

 v7 (current)

5.037 downloads , 2,71 MB
04 Iulie 2015

91 Comentarii